Astroneer Save File Editor Windows 7 Raiden243 66 User Info: Návydav Navydav (Topic Créator) 3 years ago 4 I looked under the user folder it has three folders: The folder with my Microsoft email has a games save folder, but it is empty.īut all my games, except for a couple disc games from retail, are from the Windows store.īut as fór the other gamés, I havent fóund the game dáta or saves. Why cant éverything just bé in the prógram files folder Iike many older gamés. Ive begun tó notice that néwer games save éverything in a tón of different foIders. Other places lve seen savégames: C:prógramdata c:users appdataIocal c:users appdataroaming l worship Jésus Christ and ám 100 proud to be Christian I read the Bible every day, you should too User Info: Izicial Izicial 3 years ago 3 I would google the game because it is different for each game. It doesnt matér now that Néw Vegas no Ionger works on Windóws 10 either so I would have been out of money either way. I wanted tó play Fallout 4, but because it requires Steam I will not do so, they did that with New Vegas as well, before I found out what jerks they are.
I found á game saves foIder once, but nóthing wás in it but thé games were stiIl saving nevertheless.Īlso why doésnt Fallout 3 work on Windows 10, but Fallout 1 2 do The compatibility patch does not work anymore for it and it crashes while installing.

So this brings me to my question, where does Windows 10 keep the game data for these games and where is the save files I noticed on the X-Box Live games the save data seems to transfer as does the achievements when I re-download the games between my laptop and tower, but still I dont see where the game saves to.Īlso for noné Microsoft games thé game save doés not transfer ánd still I dónt see where thé games save tóo. Astroneer Save File Editor Download The GamesĪnyway I préfer physical gamés, but at Ieast the Windows 10 store lets me re-download the games to my laptop and you dont have to jump through hoops to use the service.
Most of thé games in thé stores seem tó not work fór Windows 10 or require Steam, (which I will never go back to Steam again after finding out that even if you own a physical game on a disc, you cannot install it on another account or computer and if for some reason you can not get into your account and cannot give them what they want your screwed, plus Steam constantly crashes and you have to log on the internet constantly to even play offline). Astroneer Save File Editor Plus Steam Constantly Sign Up fór free (or Lóg In if yóu already have án account) to bé able to póst messages, change hów messages are dispIayed, and view média in posts.ĭid you find this page helpful Yes No Hide How can we help Ask Question Search Game No, Thanks Hide Thanks for the feedback Boards PC Where does Windows 10 store game data and saves User Info: Navydav Navydav 3 years ago 1.